We are approaching the International Gatering of Torino2024: only 46 days left until July 15th!

Over 7600 equipiers from all around the world will be participating.

Many countries are represented: Brazilians will be the largest group with nearly 2300 participants, followed by the French with 1170, and the Spanish with 714. Italians and Colombians will also be present.
Additionally, there will be individual couples from New Zealand, Botswana, Dominica, Guinea, Monaco, and Madagascar.

In total, more than 80 countries will be represented and for many, the journey will be long and challenging, but Turin is preparing to welcome everyone warmly.

The Torino 2024 Team is working on the ‘Participant Guide’, which will be provided during the gathering with all the essential information for participants.

You can also find this information on the website under the INFO & PROGRAM section.

Author: Luca Rolandi