Today an e-mail with the Gathering BADGE was sent to all participants.

ATTENTION, if you have not received it, please contact the COUPLE REFERENCES of your SR or RR: you will find the contacts here on the Torino 2024 website

The badge is the document that will give you access to the venues and activities of the Torino 2024 Gathering: you must have it with you at all times during ALL the days of the Gathering.

The badge is a PERSONAL document: it contains your personal data and useful information for the Gathering. It CANNOT be given to anyone. 

The attached file must be PRINTED IN COLOUR, before arriving at the Inalpi Arena (before leaving your home), on a sheet of A4 plain paper and folded in 4, following the black lines. The important thing is that the two written pages are visible as a front and a back. If you are a couple, each person must print his/her own badge.

On 15 July, when you arrive at the Inalpi Arena, you will be given a plastic badge holder in which to place your print.

Take care not to arrive with a damaged BADGE print: the Volunteers at the entrance will have to direct you to the correct places by looking at your printed badge.

What does the badge contain?

The front of the badge contains useful information for reception while the back of the badge has useful information for travel, hotels and crane activities

Some useful notes:

Each GEOGRAPHIC ZONE corresponds to a colour: it is the same as the colour of the scarf that will be handed out at the entrance to the Inalpi Arena, together with the ‘Welcome Kit’.

America Zone BLUE
Eurafrica Zone  GREEN
Zone Central Europe-Middle East  YELLOW
Transoceanic Zone  RED 

The Turin 2024 Coordination Staff and ERI
will be recognisable by an ORANGE BAND on the lower part of the badge.

The “VOLUNTEERS” will be recognisable not only by the white bib with the Gathering logo, but also by a BLUE BAND on the bottom of the badge.

(and languages indicated on the registration form). 

On the badge the language selected during registration is highlighted, for publications: on Monday 15 July on arrival at the Inalpi Arena, after passing through the first gate, you must go to the welcome table corresponding to the language highlighted on the badge to receive the “Participant’s Kit” with the documents of the Gathering in the language indicated.


On the back of the badge you will find the name, address and telephone number of the hotel where you are staying and how to get there. 


On the reverse side you will find the means of transport to reach your hotel

  • private bus indicated by a letter and a number (e.g. E9)
  • public transport: number of buses/ (e.g. GTT 10 + GTT 46 if there are two)
  • Metro + SHUTTLE Torino 2024 l
  • FSN train + SHUTTLE Torino 2024  

On 15 July, at the exit of the Inalpi Arena, there will be information panels with the direction to follow to reach the different means of transport and hotels: follow the directions corresponding to what is indicated on the badge. 

WARNING: the badge shows the means of transport FROM THE HOTEL TO THE INALPI ARENA: on the first evening you will have to take the route in reverse (e.g. if the badge says METRO + SHUTTLE on the evening of 15 July you will have to take the SHUTTLE first and then the METRO)


On Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th the participants will be divided into groups for the “Spiritual Itineraries” activity (see programme): your group is indicated on the back of the BADGE with a letter. 

Each letter corresponds to a Spiritual Itinerary in a place in the city or province. You will be given information about the place and the means of transport to be used from the screens, speakers and via the App.

  • Tuesday 16 July: GROUPS A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,J will have to eat first and leave for the “Spiritual Itineraries”.

the others will stay at the Inalpi Arena for the Show on Social Saints

  • Wednesday 17 July: GROUPS K,L,M,N,P,Q,R,S,T will have to eat first and leave to go to the “Spiritual Itineraries”.

the others will remain in the Inalpi Arena for the Spectacle on Social Saints


Participants who have a briefcase in one of the boxes below will have to hurry on MONDAY 15 JULY to collect their luggage: they will have priority delivery of their luggage because they will be served the first round of dinner.

On the back of the BADGE, on a black band at the bottom, are the emergency and taxi numbers.