This fifth day also began in an atmosphere of joy and prayer: the Inalpi Arena welcomed with the Gathering hymn and festive flags the representatives of Sr Hispanoamerica Sur who led the opening prayer of the day. Argentine Father Mariano, Cristina and Gustavo, accompanied by the choir, invited the assembly to pray and reflect on this Friday’s theme: Communion. Starting from the reflections of Pope Francis, the Gospel of John and the First Letter to the Corinthians, they urged the participants to experience the Eucharist as a true moment of intimate encounter with God and his Love. An encounter that is indeed intimate, but also fraternal and communitarian: because, as the Pope emphasized, it is fundamental to share the bread of life with others, following the example of Jesus, who taught us to love and serve those most in need. A joyful sharing, like the atmosphere that accompanied this morning prayer, concluded with songs and the blessing of Fr Mariano.