Turin is not only history and beauty, it is also a city of great spirituality: its Cathedral houses the Holy Shroud. It is a city in which the breath of the Holy Spirit has raised up great figures of Saints and social Prophets, people who saw the needs of the poor of their time and bent down to help them, embodying the evangelical spirit.

On the afternoons of TUESDAY 16 and WEDNESDAY 17, two activities centred on the ‘social vocation’ of the Church in Turin are planned: five Spiritual Itineraries that will take participants outside the Inalpi Arena in the footsteps of the Saints of Charity, and a ‘Spetacle on Social Saints’, written and performed by Turin-based equipiers. The participants will alternate between the two days: while the first groups will leave the Inalpi, the second will see the show.

Here you will find the detailed information necessary to participate in the Spiritual Itineraries

Here is an in-depth look at the life and places of St. John Bosco