On Tuesday 16 and Wednesday 17 at the Inalpi Arena, the show ‘Santi e Profeti sociali di Torino’ (Turin’s Social Saints and Prophets) will be staged, written, directed and performed by Turin-based equipiers. We asked them to tell us about the show.

Turin and its Social Saints and Prophets. Two realities that cannot be kept apart: without one, you cannot understand the other.
But who are these characters who have distinguished and still distinguish the identity of this city?
They are people who, anticipating the thinking of Pope Francis, understood that faith is not just a personal matter with the aim of preparing one’s soul for heaven, but that it is authentic to the extent that it involves a deep desire to change the world.
They are people who looked at the reality in which they lived and live with different eyes, with spectacles that allowed them to see what their brothers and sisters needed and which was nothing other than the gaze with which God looks at the world and all of us.
They are people who, beyond the era in which they lived and still live today, continue to question us, asking if we too have the courage to put on the same glasses, God’s glasses.
They are Don Bosco, Don Giuseppe Cottolengo, Giulia and Manfredi Di Barolo, Pier Giorgio Frassati, Don Luigi Ciotti and Ernesto Olivero.

To make them known to you, we have tried to put ourselves not only in their shoes, but in their eyes: we hope we have succeeded!  

Laura Montagna, Stefano Ronchi, Maurilia Gilodi, Renato Sarica, Fulvia Berruti, Nicola Sardi