The first items you should pack are your MOBILE PHONE or TABLET, HEADPHONES, and a PORTABLE CHARGING SYSTEM (like a power bank): these will be essential for real-time translations and for downloading the Gathering App.
The Inalpi Arena (where most of the activities will take place) will have free WIFI.
As mentioned in the description of the Gathering Program (, it will be possible to listen all the speeches in the original language or translated in real-time.
To access real-time translations, you will need to have your own mobile phone through which you will access the Zoom platform set up for translations (you can connect via the Zoom app or through a browser).
Each couple must bring their own headphones to listen to the translations: headphones will not be provided by the organization and you will be able to listen to the translations ONLY through headphones.
If you have only one mobile phone and to save battery life, it would be useful to come with a signal splitter, so that the couple can connect two headphones to a single phone.
It will also be possible to receive real-time information about the Gathering by downloading the Torino2024 App on your own mobile phone.
The App will also be useful for getting tracks of the Duty of Sitting, Mixed Teams, and Spiritual Itineraries.
Further details will be provided later on for the App downloading: please, start by checking if your mobile phone can support/download an App.
To ensure you are prepared, a test session is planned, about which all Gathering participants will be informed.