“The energy that unites people from all over the world,” “the desire to meet despite the distance,” “the opportunity to share one’s experience with strangers,” “the welcoming atmosphere,” and “the participation and involvement of so many countries” are the main aspects that struck the volunteers present on Monday, July 15, at the Inalpi Arena. The large number of Brazilian participants (2000 out of 7500 people) and the colorful traditional clothing of various countries are two other elements that caught the attention of most of the volunteers involved in welcoming the attendees.

Recognizable by their white vests and the smiles with which they addressed anyone asking for information, the volunteers worked all day to hand out welcome kits, useful items, and to guide couples within the Inalpi Arena, managing to find time to follow the opening speeches. Many of them are indeed members of the Turin team and decided to get involved at an organizational level to ensure the event’s success, sometimes sacrificing their own participation. However, they are happy to contribute to a movement that provides “great support for all couples, even in difficult times.” According to them, it is an excellent opportunity to share a service as a couple while simultaneously getting to know new attendees and cultures from around the world.

Other volunteers belong to local volunteer associations but are familiar with the Equipes Notre-Dame movement and had already offered their services during similar events, such as the Exhibition of the Shroud. Monday was a somewhat chaotic day, with hundreds of people to interact with and various languages to understand. Most volunteers, besides Italian, only speak English or French, but they do not see this as a problem: as one of them states, it is enough to use “the universal language of the smile,” and somehow, communication and understanding are achieved.

A chaotic day, but also an exciting one filled with expectations for the week ahead. “I believe it will be an opportunity to share moments of joy, reflection, and spiritual growth,” and “I hope to return home enriched, to face everyday life with new tools,” say two volunteers who, along with their husbands, have been part of the movement for several years. “I hope there will be no hitches in the organization and that the participants will have a great experience,” concludes a volunteer before sitting down to follow the opening of the XIII International Gathering of the Equipes Notre-Dame.