Hotel Responsible Couples (CRH) and their Coordinators, were a silent presence at the Gathering with a task as delicate as it was indispensable.
More than 200 participant couples from all over the world made themselves available to perform this service in their hotels: coordinating participants in the hotels, organising information, making sure everyone was in the right place at the right time, listening to problems (and complaints) and seeking answers: always in a spirit of service and availability.
The CRHs were coordinated, supported and helped by 22 Torinese coordinating couples, who over the past few months have worked to welcome all the Gathering équipiers in the best possible way, visiting hotels, looking for locations for the mixed teams, trying out routes and taking buses around the city. Their phone was always on for questions and emergencies. The evenings were, for many of them, a time to meet and check in the hotels of their CRHs and, finally, they all met on the day of the Fiesta.
To all of them, a big thank you!