The logo represents the path of a couple’s experience towards a destination. The destination is represented by the sun that evokes, in shape and color, the Eucharistic bread broken by the Risen One with the disciples of Emmaus and key to his recognition “…he took the bread, recited the blessing, broke it and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him” (Lk 24:30-31).

It is in the contemplation of the broken bread that the two become aware of the fire burning in their hearts. Hidden between the two figures in the logo, in fact, the outline of a heart that is filled with the light and warmth of the sun, is recognizable. The arms of the two open in a couple’s embrace, in sign of readiness and welcome to what is to come, as they prepare to set out on the path. It is the sign of hospitality, the sign of fraternity: “Jesus himself drew near and walked with them”. (Lk 24:15). The ears of wheat symbolize the everyday commitment/vocation to be good bread for humanity, along the daily path.